City Profile

          Municipality at a Glance

Kunnamkulam is a municipal town situated in the Thrissur District of Kerala in India, spread over an area of 34.18 km2. It is an old commercial town, with an ancient history, famous for its printing and book binding industry. It is the chief centre of the Malankara Orthodox Syrian Christians in the Kerala state. In the past, the town was called Kunnankulangara and references can be seen in a lot of British Archives about a neat and prosperous town which was predominantly Christian. Over the years Kunnamkulam has become a meeting point for all religions. Ironically, Kunnamkulam is the exact centre of Kerala and that was the reason why old merchants and businesses have based there

The Kunnamkulam Municipality was formed as an IVth grade Municipality in the year 1948. The Municipality had an area of 6.96 km2 and is divided into 31 electoral wards. In 2000, it was further upgraded to a Grade-II Municipality by merging adjoining panchayats of Arthat (full) and panchayats of Porkulam and Chowannur (parts). The original area of the municipality was 7 km2 which is now increased to 34.18 km2. Earlier, there were only 16 municipal wards. The municipality extended its area in 2001 and now has 37 wards. The Total population then was 54071 of which 25392 were males and 28679 females, with the density of population being 1582per km Kunnamkulam assembly constituency is part of Alathoor (Lok Sabha Constituency). Earlier, it was part of the Ottapalam Constituency.


Name of Municipality

:Kunnamkulam Muncipality





Area (in KM2)


No. of wards

: 37


: 54071


: 25392


: 28679

No. of Households

: 13156

Density of population


SC Population

: 6419

ST Population

            : 77

Male Female Ratio

            : 1129

Literacy Rate

            : 96.84%

  No. of BPL families

            : 4229

No. of Slums

            : 3

Demographic Details

Kunnamkulam Municipality, with population of about 54 thousand is Talappilly sub district's only municipality located in Talappilly sub district of Thrissur district in the state Kerala in India. Total geographical area of Kunnamkulam municipality is 34 km2. Population density of the city is 1582 persons per km2. There are 34 wards in the city, among them Kunnamkulam Ward No 25 is the most populous ward with population of 2063 and Kunnamkulam Ward No 06 is the least populous ward with population of 1087.

Nearest railway station is Guruvayoor which is 6 km far from here. Talappilly is the sub district head quarter and the distance from the city is 25 km. District head quarter of the city is Thrissur which is 25 km away. Thiruvananthapuram is the state head quarter of the city and is 327 km far from here. Yearly average rainfall of the city is 3251.15 mm. Maximum temperature here reaches up to 32°C and minimum temperature goes down to 21°C.


The city is home to about 54 thousand people, among them about 25 thousand (47%) are male and about 29 thousand (53%) are female. 88% of the whole population are from general caste, 12% are from schedule caste and 0% are schedule tribes. Child (aged under 6 years) population of Kunnamkulam municipality is 9%, among them 52% are boys and 48% are girls. There are about 13 thousand households in the city and an average 4 persons live in every family.

aste wise male female population 2011 - Kunnamkulam


  Total General Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Child
Total 54,071 47,575 6,419 77 5,049
Male 25,392 22,274 3,085 33 2,639
Female 28,679 25,301 3,334 44 2,410


Religion wise distribution of population

Hindus contribute 62% of the total population and are the largest religious community in the city followed by Christians which contribute 29% of the total population and Muslims are the third largest religious community here with 9% population.. Female Sex ratio per 1000 male in Hindus are 1131 in Christians are 1087 and in Muslims are 1270.

eligion wise population 2011 - Kunnamkulam

  Total Hindu Muslim Christian Sikh Buddhist Jain Others Not Stated
Total 54,071 33,559 4,791 15,613 0 0 0 11 97
Male 25,392 15,748 2,111 7,482 0 0 0 4 47
Female 28,679 17,811 2,680 8,131 0 0 0 7 50


Growth of population

Population of the city has increased by 4.8% in last 10 years. In 2001 census total population here were about 52 thousand. Female population growth rate of the city is 5.4% which is 1.2% higher than male population growth rate of 4.2%. General caste population has increased by 4.3%; Schedule caste population has increased by 8.2%; Schedule Tribe population has increased by 63.8% and child population has decreased by -8.5% in the city since last census.

Growth of population (percent) 2001 to 2011 - Kunnamkulam

  Total General Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe Child
Total 4.8% 4.3% 8.2% 63.8% -8.5%
Male 4.2% 3.6% 8.3% 17.9% -3.4%
Female 5.4% 4.9% 8% 131.6% -13.6%


Sex Ratio - Females per 1000 Male

As of 2011 census there are 1129 females per 1000 male in the city. Sex ratio in general caste is 1136, in schedule caste is 1081 and in schedule tribe is 1333. There are 913 girls under 6 years of age per 1000 boys of the same age in the city. Overall sex ratio in the city has increased by 12 females per 1000 male during the years from 2001 to 2011. Child sex ratio here has decreased by 109 girls per 1000 boys during the same time.

Change in sex ratio 2001 to 2011 - Kunnamkulam

  Total General SC ST Child
Change 12 15 -2 654 -109
2011 1129 1136 1081 1333 913
2001 1117 1121 1083 679 1022


hange in literacy rate 2001 to 2011 - Kunnamkulam

  Total Male Female
Change 2.9% 1.3% 4.3%
2011 96.8% 97.7% 96.1%
2001 93.9% 96.4%



Housing Profile
  1. Housing as per Census data 2011

As per 2011 census, the total number of households in Kunnamkulam  Municipality  13156 and total population for the city is 54071

As per Census reports 2011,

91.93% of the total household have “Own House”; 6.8% live in “Rented House” and 1.8% comes under the category “Any Other”.

  1. Housing as per SECC Data 2011

As per the reports, there is some variation in basic demography details which has observed on SECC 2011 and Census 2011. The total population in census reports is 54071 whereas it is 52741 in SECC data. Total households in census are 13156 whereas it is 12793 in SECC 2011.

Regarding the ownership of houses, there are 11815 families who have own house, 589 families living in rental houses, 23 families living as shared household, 2families  living on the

premises with employer and 41 families living in the house provided by the employer on the basis of SECC 2011.

  1. Housing profile of the ULB

As per census reports there are 13156 houses in ULB. Majority of houses are pucca or semi pucca. Providing safe shelter and housing to deserving families and to the most vulnerable group are one among the major responsibilities of local body administration. Government of India and Government of Kerala have been implementing projects and programmes to address the challenges faced in housing and habitat development in rural as well as in urban areas. Kunnamkulam Municipality has been participating in all the schemes by implementing various housing, slum re-development and infrastructure development programme since 2003.

Homeless identified in different surveys

Municipality conducted a survey in all wards for identifying the actual beneficiaries in Muncipal area.As a result of this municipality identified 1657 landless/homeless beneficiaries under this scheme.


Ongoing          programmes an         projectsfloatedby      central            and      state    governments aimed at housing improvement are described below.



IHSDP is for housing and infrastructure development in urban slums by combining the centrally sponserdschemes of VAMBAY and NSDP.IHSDP is to be implemented in all towns and cities identified as per 2001 census except cities /towns covered under JNNURM.(Trivandrum & Cochin Corporation)


The major components of the scheme are housing shelter upgradation sanitation road drains footpath social amneties like construction of primary health centersanganwadi buildings etc.Provisionfor model demonstration projects, slum improvement and rehabilitation projects, reorientation activities etc.are also advisable components under IHSDP.The funding pattern of IHSDP is 80:20 shared by central and

state goverments.The state share(20%)would be equally shared by the state government and the participating ULBs.Kudumbashree is the Nodal Agency for IHSDP.With this objective Muncipality has decided to propose  project for the for the slum dwellers who have own land.Muncipality constructed 101 houses under this scheme.

EMS Housing scheme

The ultimate goal of this scheme is providing land and house to all those who are landless and houseless in the state. This is apurely state funded scheme. The fund required is to be raised from the plan fund; by the way of raising loans from banks especially Co-operative banks by ULBs and other sources like contribution from NRI‟s Government servants, NGOs etc. It is a total subsidized scheme to the beneficiaries. The unit cost of housing is 200000/.The total interest of the loan raised by the ULBs for implementation of this scheme will met by government. Muncipality has constructed 154 houses under this scheme.

  1. Plan Fund

In Kerala State, the planning process adopted was based on top down approach till the 8th Five Year Plan. However, subsequent to 73rd and 74th Constitutional Amendment Acts, the Kerala State Legislature enacted the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and the Kerala Municipality Act, 1994 repealing the previous Acts. The decentralised planning process was enacted by the devolution of functional and fiscal powers to the Local Self Government Institutions. This gave sufficient statutory backing to the decentralised planning process and the new planning process was introduced in the State through the launching of “Janakeeyasoothranam” in a campaign model on 17th August 1996 by structuring the Ninth Plan as People’s Plan. In order to cater to the housing needs of people, ULB supported 188 families up to 2008 -2016.


The project envisaged to address lack of food, health problems including chronic illness, pension, educational facilities to children, land for home, shelter, drinking water, safe sanitation facilities, skill development, employment opportunitiesetc. KunnamkulamMunicipality has prepared two phases and selected 114 beneficiaries under this project.  For Asraya project, contribution from ULB and, Kudumbashree Challenge Fund are  45 lakhs and 15 lakhs respectively. Muncipalityhave to mobilize funds from other sources including contributions from individuals and donors. Housing and other Projects are implemented by public participation.


590  houses for beneficiary led construction got approval in PMAY project phase 01 & Phase 02  and the implementation is in progress. A new proposal for 505  has got approval and implementation in progress

  1. Slum Profile of the ULB

There are 8 slums in Kunnamkulam municipality under IHSDP criteria. Total number of persons living in the slum pockets is 1036. In the case of these slums the land ownership of the dwellers is mixed. Hence it is not possible for in-situ development. Hence under PMAY either beneficiary led new house construction /enhancement or credit linked subsidy scheme is proposed for these slums.

    1. Details of homeless & landless in ULB

In 2016, the ULB had conducted an extensive Demand Survey under PMAY scheme to generate information on a large number of social and economic indicators relating to landless-homeless households in the ULB.

On the basis of Demand Survey 2016, the ULB had identified 1657landless/ homeless families based on the selection criteria set by PMAY. 716 families are “Homeless” and were brought under Beneficiary Led Individual House Construction-New Construction (BLC-NC). 821families are landlessopted AHP &120 families demanded CLSS assistance.