City Profile

Neyyattinkara in Thiruvananthapuram district is a municipal Town 20 km south of the kerala State capital Trivandrum on the National Highway 66 to Kanyakumari. The town spreads over an area of 16.21 km2 on the banks of the Neyyar River and is the headquarters of Neyyattinkara taluk and the Nedumangad Revenue Division. It is a suburb of the extended metropolitan region of Thiruvananthapuram city. The name 'Neyyattinkara' in Malayalam regional language which means shore (kara) of Neyyar River. This river flows from Agasthyarkoodam, the highest peak (1868m above MSL) in southern end of the Western Ghats.


Demographic Details
Name of Municipality NEYYATTINKARA
Area (in KM2) 28.78 km sq
No. of wards 44
Population 70,850 (census 2011)
Male 34,513
Female 36,337
No. of Households 18,176
SC Population 7772
ST Population 131
Male Female Ratio 1064
Literacy Rate 98.72%
No. of BPL families 9761
No. of Notified slum  7 (As per census 2011) and 95 as per USHA census
Tenable Slums 94 (As per USHA census)
Semi tenable slums 0
Untenable slums 1
No. of PMAY Slums 89
Tenable Slums 89
Semi tenable slums Nil
Untenable slums Nil
Housing Profile

Name of the scheme Year Number of beneficiaries
EMS Total Housing Scheme 2009 244
Rajiv Gandhi Housing Grand  Scheme by ULB 2015-16  341
SC Housing 2014-2015 148
  2015-2016 50
IHSDP Scheme    
New Houses   265
Up gradation   170
Infrastructure   37
VAMBAY 2002-2003 97
  2004-2005 160
  2005-2006 116
BLC (N) 2016 - 2018 1979
BLC -E 2016 - 2018 320
AHP 2016 - 2018 816
CLSS 2016 - 2018 350