Disability is when a loss or reduction in any physical or psychological function results in a partial or total inability to perform any bodily or mental functions in a manner or within the range considered normal for a human being. Within the range of disabilities, mental challenges are felt as one of the serious problems affecting the family economically and emotionally. Kudumbashree initiated the Disability Mainstreaming Program namely Buds. To avoid the sin of labeling and stigmatizing towards the mentally challenged, the school was named as “BUDs”. The first BUDS institution was started at Venganoor Panchayat in 2004. With the policy focus on inclusive and integrated education more and more mentally challenged children began to enroll in government schools. This has provided the mentally challenged children an opportunity for schooling in an inclusive atmosphere where they can learn upto the age of 18. However there was no institution to take care of the mentally challenged above the age of 18 especially in rural areas which became another problem and issue for the family. The neighborhood groups began to demand for day care and training for mentally challenged adult persons within the local areas. The panchayats also demanded for such an initiative. It was in these circumstances that Kudumbashree mission came up with the concept of BRC and the Government of Kerala approved the proposal. Thus Kudumbashree decided to focus also on post school age group. The Government of Kerala accordingly approved the innovative model. Thus in 2015 BUDs Rehabilitation Center was formed. The centre focuses on the rehabilitation, training and day care of these mentally challenged persons.