Pattambi Municipality at a Glance
City Profile



Name of Municipality : Pattambi

District : Palakkad

Taluk : Pattambi

  1. AREA (in KM2) : 15.84 km2

No. of wards : 28

Population : 28632

Male : 14049

Female : 14583

No. of Households : 5897

Density of population : 1800

SC Population : 3471

ST Population : 0

Male : 14049

Female : 14583

Literacy Rate : 83%

No. of BPL families : 2011

No. of Notified slum : 0


Demographic Details

Palakkad was originally part of the Valluvanad Swaroopam dynasty.Valluvanad was an erstwhile late medieval feudal state in present state of Kerala in South India extending from the Bharathapuzha River in the south to the Pandalur Mala in the north during their zenith in the early Middle Ages. On the west, it was bounded by the Arabian Sea at the port Ponnani and on the east by Attappadi Hills. According to local legends, the last Later Chera ruler gave a vast extension of land in South Malabar to one of their governors, Valluvakkonithiri and left for a hajj. The Valluvakkonithiri was also given last Later Chera ruler's shield (presumably to defend himself from the sword received by the Samoothiri (Zamorin) of Kozhikode, another governor, from the departing ruler). Not surprisingly, the Vellatiri rajas were hereditary enemies of the Samoothiri. Valluvanad is famous for the Mamankam festivals, held once in 12 years and the endless wars against the Samoothiri of Kozhikode. By the late 18th century, Vellatiri or Walluwanad proper was the sole remaining territory of the Walluvanad raja (ValluvaKonatiri), who once exercised suzerain rights over a large portion of Southern Malabar. Although management of the country was restored to the Vellatiri raja in 1792, it soon became evident that he was powerless to repress the trouble that quickly broke out between Mapillas (favored by the Mysorean occupiers) and nayars (who sought to restore the ancien régime), and already in 1793 management of the district had to be resumed as the chief and his family fled to Travancore.


2.4 Geography

Pattambi is well-known for its cultural importance. Situated in the banks of River Bharathappuzha (also known as Nila River),it is a junction that connects roads from Palakkad, Malappuram and Palakkad.

2.5 Climate & Rain Fall

Pattambi's climate is classified as tropical. Most months of the year are marked by significant rainfall. The short dry season has little impact. The climate here is classified as Am by the Köppen-Geiger system. The average annual temperature is 27.6 °C in Pattambi. About 2749 mm of precipitation falls annually.

At an average temperature of 30.0°C, April is the hottest month of the year. The lowest average temperatures in the year occur in July, when it is around 25.6 °C.

Precipitation is the lowest in January, with an average of 1 mm. The greatest amount of precipitation occurs in July, with an average of 718 mm.

2.6 Demography

As of 2011 census of India total population of Pattambi Village Panchayath is 28,632.

  • 14,049 males (49%); 14,583 females (51%).
  • No of Households: 5,897
  • Scheduled Caste population: 3,471 (12%)
  • Scheduled Tribe population: 37 (0% ).
  • In the age group 0–6 years: 3,534 (Males: 1,837, Females: 1,697)
  • Literacy: 83% (23,888 literates and 4,744 illiterates)
  • Of the total population 8,561 (30%) are employed. It includes 1,657 people with irregular employment

2.7 Festivals

Pattambi, which is situated on the bank of Nilariver, is an important town in Valluvanad area. The most important festival, PattambiNercha, is celebrated in February-March every year and people irrespective of caste and religion, take active participation, which is very famous in Valluvanad.GaneshChathurthi, ArattuFestvel, Shivarathri etc. celebrated by Hindus and Eid celebrated by Muslims.

Housing Profile

As per 2011 census, the total number of households in Pattambi municipality is 5897 and total population for the city is 28632. Average household size being 4.5. 4.9% of total houses are dilapidated as per census 2011.
















As per Census reports 2011, 86.6% of the total household have “Own House”; 11.8% live in “Rented House” and 1.5% comes under the category “Any other”. 71.9% of the houses are conditioned as “Good”, 23.2% as “Livable” and the remaining 4.9 % as “Dilapidated”.


3.2 Housing Profile of ULB


Household by type is classified into Permanent, Semi-Permanent, Total Temporary, Serviceable, Non Serviceable and Un Classified. 81.10% of the households in ULB are Permanent type, 15.40 % are Semi-Permanent, 3 % are Total Temporary; 2.40 % are Serviceable; 0.60% is Non-Serviceable and the remaining 0.60 % households are categorized as Unclassified.

ULB have the responsibility to provide adequate shelter to the deserving families. Government of India and Government of Kerala have been implementing projects and programmes to address the challenges faced in housing and habitat development in rural as well as in urban areas.



Pattambi was a panjayath upto 2015 October 31st.So the panjayath have enough experience in implementing individual housing scheme.Panjayath implemented the schems like EMS and IAY.Ongoing programmes and projects floated by state governments aimed at housing improvement are described below. Panjayath constructed 42 houses under this scheme.





2015-2016 - SC 34, GEN.23, TOTAL=58
2014-2015 - SC 32, GEN.23, TOTAL=55
2013-2014 - SC 17, GEN.13, TOTAL=30
2012-2013 - SC 45, GEN.29, TOTAL=74
2011-2012 - SC 22, GEN.20, TOTAL=44


Pattambi Municipality conducted demand survey of 996 families under PMAY. As a mechanism to resolve the housing issues, ULB selected 504 beneficiaries in all phases( 1st phase-181, IInd -95, IIIrd175& IVth -53) who were brought under the fourth vertical of the scheme – Beneficiary Led Construction (New House Construction). Brief analysis of demand survey and data entered into online MIS are as follows.



New House

Component (Scheme)













