BALASABHA 2019-2020
A knowledge base is often eclipsed due to the conventional roles a person adheres in the society. An imperative attempt to retain the knowledge base through self evaluation, participation and inquiry can be considered as the newest form of empowerment process. Along with about 2,91,507 Neighborhood groups all over the state, similar yet distinctive methods have been used to mobilise and nurture a children‘s collective-Balasabha. The Sabhas are structured neighborhood network of children. Each Sabha consist of 15 – 30 children in the age group of 5 – 18 years.
The prime objective of constituting Balasabhas is to prevent inter-generational transmission of poverty through capability enhancement of children. Small Learning Groups for experimental and systematic learning, opportunities for understanding democratic process, participation in conserving environment, enabling children to unfold the intricacies of collectivization are the basic focal points of Balasabha.