Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation
City Profile

Name of Corporation                         : THIRUVANANTHAPURAM         

District                                               : THIRUVANANTHAPURAM         

Taluk                                                 : THIRUVANANTHAPURAM         

Area (in KM2)                                                :214.86 Sq Km                                   

No. of wards                                      : 100

Population                                         :955494

Male                                                   : 464927 

Female                                               : 490567

No. of Households                             : 191446 (As per census 2011)

Density of population                                    : 3549 (As per census 2011)

SC Population                                                : 69702(As per census 2011)

ST Population                                                : 3768(As per census 2011)

Male Female Ratio                             : 1040

Literacy Rate                                      : 94%

No. of Slums                                      : 17(As per census 2011)

No. of PMAY Slums                           : 82

No. of Tenable Slums              : 77

No. of Semi Tenable Slums     : 2

No. of Untenable Slums          : 3

Demographic Details

Basic Demography

The city has a total population of 762535 as per census data 2011 and density of 3549. It is seen that the population size is more in coastal wards towards south of airport, and the size is less in wards located towards city core.The city has a population of around 1.68 million in the urban agglomeration and is the most populous city corporation and the fifth largest urban agglomeration in Kerala.

The city area has a average density of about 5000 persons per sq km. A peculiar phenomena observed in the Census 1991 & 2001 was that when the old city area of 74.93 sq km experienced a decadal population growth rate of 5 to 10 percent, a few peripheral panchayath areas contiguous to the city experienced growth of the order of 20 to 25 percent.                


A few of these panchayaths namely, Kadakampally, Attipra, Ulloor, Nemom, Kudappanakunnu and Vattiyoorkavu have been attached to the city area in 2000, thus expanding the city area to the present 214.86 sq km spread in 100 wards.The peripheral areas of city which are added to corporation limits by merging GPs are showing below average population size. Among Wards within Corporation, total population is more in Ward 65 (Thiruvallom – 25185 persons) and is least in Ward 78 (Muttathara – 1143 persons).


On analyzing the existing population density variation within the City it is seen that, there is a City core area with an average density of 7500, a Central City area with an average density of only 4000 and an outer city area with an average density of only 3000

Population Growth

Thiruvananthapuram city population growth indicates a decadal population growth rate of 5.70%. A conservative pessimistic assumption is that the 1991-2001 decadal growth rate of 5.7% may reduce to 5% during 2001-2011, further decreasing to 4.5% during 2011- 21. This growth rate may further reduce to 4% during 2021 to 2031. By such an estimate, the 2031 population of the city is presumed to be only 8.5 lakhs. The total population of the TMC area and the five Panchayath around together is estimated to be only 11.45 lakhs in 2031.

Sex Ratio

Sex ratio in Thiruvananthapuram Urban city Corporation is 1040 female to 1000 male and remains below the state average of 1058

Literacy Rate


The literacy rate of Thiruvananthapuram district is 89.4%, which is just below the State average. The literacy rate of Thiruvananthapuram Corporation is 94 %which is much below the district averageof 89.4%.

Slum Population


As per the census data 2011, the total slum population in Thiruvananthapuram Corporation is 15024 which accounts to 1.97 percent of the total population. This contributes to 8.03 per cent of the slum population and 1.5% of urban population in the state. Thiruvananthapuram Municipal Corporation has a slum population of 75623 as per RAY survey conducted in 2011-12

Housing Profile

Previous Housing Scheme Status in Trivandrum Corporation


Sanctioned 1667
Completed 1629
Not Completed 2
Fund Utilised 46613511


PHASE Sactioned Started Completed No of Flat sactioned Started Completed No of Renovation sanctioned Started Completed
Phase I 88 19 15 145 145 144 107 65 57
Phase II 2000 1977 1894 680 360 140 0 0 0
Phase III 8325 6691 6020 240 117 115 233 131 118
Phase IV 479 297 271 556 259 259 334 254 244
TOTAL 10892 8984 8200 1621 881 658 674 450 419


RAY (Rajiv Awas Yojana)

PHASE Sactioned Completed Remarks
Phase I 221 221 Completed
Phase II 320 160 Balance Nearing Completion
Phase III 327 0 Not started
Phase IV 164 0 Not started
TOTAL 1032 381